Due to 90% chance of thunderstorms, the planned outdoor vaccination clinic has been moved.
Hodgson’s has found an indoor location and will be able to have the event as previously planned. Milledge Ave Baptist Church has lent their gym, and Hodgson’s will be there will volunteers to accept the few appointments that were made for the Canopy parking lot event as well as walk ups. The address is Milledge Ave Baptist Church – 1690 South Milledge Ave.
There is a covered portico to the left of the building where people can be dropped off, then a long accessible, covered walk to space out the waiting line. Vaccinations will occur in the gym and the waiting area after the shot is the church atrium which will open back up to the back parking lot.
If people do come to Canopy, we have volunteers ready to redirect to the new location and drivers if needed.
Thank you for your patience in the face of severe weather, thank you to all that are participating and sharing and thank you to Milledge Ave Baptist for opening their doors, and to Hodgson’s.