When: March 28, August 8, and December 12 at 8pm
Who: Canopy Adult Students and collaborators
What: Open Mic Night allows for more opportunities to perform in a less stressful environment while also providing a donation-based opportunity for people to view the performing arts. Open to anyone!
Where: Canopy Studio, 160 Tracy Street
How Do I Perform? Signups will be available online. Sign-ups begin March 10, July 13, and November 24. Performers must be 18+.
How Do I Get Tickets? Open Mic Nights will be donation-based entry so everything will be handled at the door on the day of the performance. Open Mic Nights will be open to audience members 18+ or minors accompanied by adults.
What is Open Mic Night?
Open Mic Night is for welcoming diverse populations in our community providing a space for creation and collaboration.
Open Mic Night is a scaled-down performance opportunity for adult students and collaborators to showcase their skills and talents in a casual viewing environment. Our goal is to encourage partnerships with artists of all mediums to help build links to creators, performers, and artists in communities bringing new performances and learning opportunities to Canopy Studio.
Keeping staff and show prep to a minimum will foster the low-pressure environment we hope opens the door to an “open mic” feel. From poetry, to dance, and even aerial “works in progress,” your expression is welcome here.
Open Mic Night is accessible to everyone.
Open Mic Night seeks to welcome people into the space that may otherwise feel excluded. We will encourage a suggested donation-based attendance, allowing people to participate in the arts without a pay barrier.
By creating a space for sharing and receiving that differs from our other show formats, our aim is to allow more room for artistic expression and to encourage audience participation. Ultimately, we wish to enrich and engage with our community in meaningful ways.