Advanced Students present “Escape”
Friday, February 21 – Saturday, February 22
Escapism, escaping your past, escaping your future, escaping the boxes we put ourselves in. Join the advanced students as they present “Escape,” an aerial dance performance featuring trapeze, pole, fabrics, invented equipment, and more!
Friday, 2/21: 8pm
Saturday, 2/28: 4pm – 8pm
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Kids & Teens Spring Showcase
Friday, May 16 – Saturday, May 18
Tickets coming soon
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Friday, September 12 & Saturday, September 13
Tickets coming soon
Canopy has combined the Summer (Splash) and Winter (Festivus) adult student performances into a showcase extravaganza!
The show is a fundraiser for our Adapted PE programming. This program funds field trips for schools with adapted PE or self-contained classrooms, offering movement instruction and play through the aerial arts! During the 2023-2024 school year, the program hosted schools from Clarke, Greene, Madison, and Barrow counties and more than 395 children.
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Open Mic Nights
March 28
August 8
December 12
Open Mic Night allows for more opportunities to perform in a less stressful environment while also providing a donation-based opportunity for people to view the performing arts. Open to anyone!