Upcoming Shows

“Full of Stars”
November 8-10, 2024
Tickets coming soon

We step out of our solar system into the universe seeking only peace and friendship, to teach if we are called upon, to be taught if we are fortunate. We know full well that our planet and all its inhabitants are but a small part of this immense universe that surrounds us and it is with humility and hope that we take this step.” – Part of the message on the golden record aboard the Voyager

Full of Stars is an aerial dance performance with themes of the human experience filtered through the many lenses of sci-fi stories, visuals, and sound.

We are excited to have another opportunity for Canopy students to perform as a group in the show. Assessment will be held on Saturday, August 3 from 4pm – 6pm. For more information or to sign-up, click here!

Current Company Members

Ally Mann
Ally Mann
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Ana Madrid
Ana Madrid
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Ann Woodruff
Ann Woodruff
Executive Director · Repertory Company Co-Director · Instructor
Annette Byrd
Annette Byrd
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
April Skelton
April Skelton
Repertory Company Member
Ashley Travieso
Ashley Travieso
Associate Director · Repertory Company Co-Director · Instructor
Chris Knightes
Chris Knightes
Rep Emeritus
Deb Atwood
Deb Atwood
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
James Neves
James Neves
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Johanna Nicol
Johanna Nicol
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Julie Phillips
Julie Phillips
Instructor · Rep Emeritus
Katie Grace Upchurch
Katie Grace Upchurch
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Kay Stanton
Kay Stanton
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Lauren Liverman
Lauren Liverman
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Lily Hollatz
Lily Hollatz
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Mary Jessica Hammes
Mary Jessica Hammes
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Mazie Bowen
Mazie Bowen
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Megan Williams
Megan Williams
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Melissa Roberts
Melissa Roberts
Instructor · Repertory Company Member · Past Executive Director
Melissa Wilson
Melissa Wilson
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Nichole Piccolo
Nichole Piccolo
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Rabun Neves
Rabun Neves
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Sam Denney
Sam Denney
Instructor · Repertory Company Member
Victoria Slaboda
Victoria Slaboda
Instructor · Repertory Company Member

Past Company Members

Allison Workman
Past Repertory Company Member
Anna Gore
Past Repertory Company Member
Amber Ebert
Past Repertory Company Member
Anne Shaffer
Past Repertory Company Member
Carlynn Kenna
Past Repertory Company Member
Erica Nunnally
Past Repertory Company Member
Isabel Higgins
Past Repertory Company Member
Julia Franz
Past Repertory Company Member
Katie Schmidt
Past Repertory Company Member
Kara & Shain Dyckman
Past Repertory Company Members
Lauren Paschal Puls
Past Repertory Company Member
Lindy Pals
Past Repertory Company Member
Marina Luna
Past Repertory Company Member
Megan Cattau
Past Repertory Company Member
Nicole Mermans
Past Repertory Company Member
Tiffany Holder
Past Repertory Company Member


The Repertory Company  is one of the Southeast’s premier professional aerial dance companies. The Repertory Company is the group of adults who serve as one of the creative engines of the studio and furthers Canopy’s mission through performance, service and ambassadorship, and instruction. We believe everything we do as a company should directly reflect, support, and uplift the studio’s purpose.

Susan Murphy brought aerial dance to us from her years at Berkeley. The Repertory Company was Susan’s dancers to put her choreography on. We were her artistic vision come to life. Then as her children, we grew up and took the work further, making it our own then teaching it to our growing student base. We’re the next generation of aerial dance artists.

The Repertory Company was always meant to be the professional performance company of our very specific type of aerial dance – at that time uncommon in the aerial world. In the beginning we were just dancers, and because we wanted to push Susan’s work further, we became leaders within Canopy.  It’s born out of love – intimate, personal, passionate, and moving – we’re deeply connected as movers to this work. It’s what makes Canopy different from most every other studio you’ll ever walk into. 

Repertory Company Members represent the following pillars:


The Repertory Company is the creative force in the studio, not only pushing our own boundaries, but also championing the creative process in our students and instructors.


As the resident performance company for the studio, the Repertory Company advances performance at all levels at Canopy, supporting the studio as a much needed venue for viewing and participating in performance.


The Repertory Company is the driving force behind instruction and continuing education and a resource for organizing curriculum and dissemination of info/progressions/best practices out to all teachers.


Members of the Repertory Company are the face of the studio in the community.  Members have a strong belief that they are a part of something larger than themselves with an eye to always find ways to elevate Canopy in the community.

Interested in becoming a Repertory Company Member?

Members are selected based on criteria within each of the 4 pillars. Email Ann@canoypstudio.org for more information or to apply to be considered.


Spring 2024 · A Sense of Place · Photos | Video
Fall 2023 ·
Canopy: The Musical · Photos | Video
Spring 2023 ·
On the Table · Photos | Video
Fall 2022  · 
Divas · Photos | Video
Spring 2022  ·
  20  · Photos | Video
Fall 2020  · 
Eerily Familiar 
Fall 2019  ·  The Goth Show
Fall 2018  ·  Mystic
Spring 2018  ·  Lightness of Being
Fall 2017  ·  Everything that Rises
Spring 2017  ·  15th Anniversary Show
Fall 2016  ·  Epic-est
Spring 2016  ·  True Colors
Fall 2015  ·  The Set Up
Spring 2015  ·  CanopyCon
Fall 2014  ·  High Stakes
Spring 2014  ·  Aerial Theater 3000
Fall 2013  ·  Epic-er
Spring 2013  ·  Air Playground
Fall 2012  ·  Over the Rainbow
Spring 2012  ­·  Evolve
Fall 2011  ·  What Flies Beneath
Spring 2011  ·  Classic City, Double Barrel, Royal Sequined Aerial Circus
Fall 2010  ·  Epic
Spring 2010  ·  Fractured fAIRy Tales
Fall 2009  ·  Pirates of the Airrr
Spring 2009  ·  Perchance to Dream
Fall 2008  ·  None More Black
Spring 2008  ·  Water Body
Fall 2007  ·  Arioso
Spring 2007  ·  Merge
Fall 2006  ·  Enough!
Spring 2006  ·  Renewal
Fall 2005  ·  Hallowinged
Spring 2005  ·  Say I am You
Fall 2004  ·  Parting the Veils
Spring 2004  ·  Been Down So Long
Fall 2003  ·  Cyles
Spring 2003  ·  Eco Log
Fall 2002  ·  Women of the World

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